
offices Modern technology and work pattern changes are being driven by office occupier demand with the intention of improving workforce wellbeing, collaboration and efficiency. It is within this context that we provide our advice on the technical aspects of offices to allow our clients to make informed decisions in a changing marketplace. Our commercial building surveyors are experienced at leading a full spectrum of professional and project services covering single occupancy or multi-tenanted office buildings in addition to out of town business parks.To supplement the building fabric inspection, our mechanical and electrical engineers perform a key role to report on the services installations to advise appropriately on acquisitions, planned maintenance and dilapidations matters. Our sustainability specialists provide invaluable input on energy efficiency measures, benchmark standards as well as compliance. Our project consultancy experience ranges from the refurbishment of individual office suites, entire buildings as well as new build schemes.We have valuable practical experience developing strategies to deal with older office stock to address limited service void zones, concealed defects and other issues.We also have extensive expertise in the residential conversion of secondary office space, working closely with our specialist planning and architectural teams. Of primary importance to us is understanding the business needs of our clients in each instance, whether they are landlords or leasehold occupiers.We have the requisite knowledge and expertise to add value to any acquisition, reconstruction, refurbishment, as well as the ongoing maintenance and occupation of office buildings.

Telereal Trillium: Adastral Park

Daimler Chrysler UK: Daimler Chrysler Head Office

Barrowgate Properties: Telephone House

Benefit Cosmetics UK: 1912 Marconi Building

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