design to delivery With over 200 professional staff, we assemble teams to best suit the project type and meet the clients’ requirements.We approach projects holistically and look to provide the optimum proposal for each site to meet or exceed the clients’ requirements. We offer advice from a very early stage in projects, often carrying out site appraisals to identify the key constraints. Our planning team will prepare a Desktop Planning Appraisal to highlight the planning status and proposed planning strategy, their advice has allowed us to sustain very high levels of success with our applications.The architectural and engineering team then use the information from our planners to produce high quality feasibility appraisals to assess the development potential of sites.This enables our clients to make informed decisions at an early stage. When dealing with existing buildings, our surveyors can assess the condition and schedule repairs which can be useful in early viability testing.The design team will provide options for conversion or extension to optimise the efficient and economical re-use of a building. In recent years the climate crisis has focussed minds on the need to design sustainably.At Ingleton Wood we have been at the forefront of sustainable design for over 15 years, having designed zero carbon and Passivhaus affordable homes.We use this knowledge to assist our clients to develop sustainable design strategies for their buildings. It is important to do this at the outset of projects to ensure the sustainability solutions are fully coordinated within the overall design. Our environmental engineers are also on hand to prepare energy assessments. Beyond feasibility stage our wider team of experts add further value. Our Principal Designers are always on hand to make sure all Health and Safety matters are addressed in compliance with the CDM Regulations. Our building surveyors also advise on Party Wall matters. From the developed strategies produced our architectural and engineering teams then continue to work up high quality design proposals suitable for detailed design sign off and construction.
The Winerack Apartments The Winerack, Ipswich Image copyright - The Winerack Apartments
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