acute care Working within acute hospital environments is particularly challenging, the need to facilitate uninterrupted operation for the surrounding departments is key. Many projects are complex by their very nature, often completed prior to the coordination and installation of medical equipment. Projects inevitably include phasing, sometimes such phasing can be complex, to ensure that the works can be completed with the minimum of disruption to the hospital. Ingleton Wood has designed and worked in many acute, specialist departments with extensive experience including: • Operating theatres • Endoscopy suites • Inpatient wards including dementia care • Accident and emergency • Fetal scanning units • Critical care and high dependency units • X-Ray imaging suites including fluoroscopy, MRI and ultrasound • Dental surgeries • Oncology units • Linear accelerators • Renal dialysis • Stroke units • Outpatient waiting areas • Outpatients areas including phlebotomy, urology, urodynamics, early pregnancy, laser treatment and lung function • Aseptic suites • Support areas including call centres, laundries, pharmacy robots, estates, pathology and main plant areas. Building services are especially complex, both to isolate the project areas and to provide adequate capacities. Our Engineers are adept at designing IPS/UPS and specialist systems such as medical gases, nurse call, access control and fire preventions systems. We consult extensively with clinical teams and user groups to ensure that all stakeholder needs are incorporated.
Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust: Southend Hospital LINAC
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